the foundation's impact
In addition to providing tuition scholarships to students in environmental disciplines, the Foundation also provides financial support to local environmental organizations, focusing on education, conservation/clean-up activities, and community outreach.
Crawford County Conservation District
The foundation sponsored a utility trailer to house and transport materials, tools, and supplies used in facilitating watershed restoration and environmental cleanup activities.
Presque Isle Fishing Pier
In May 2007 Pete was honored with the dedication in his name of a handicapped-accessible fishing ramp located at Presque Isle State Park. The ramp was funded, in part, by a donation from the Foundation.
Lake Erie - Allegheny Earth Force
The Foundation is providing financial support to Earth Force, an organization founded in 1994 to engage young people as active citizens who improve the environment and their communities now and in the future. Sponsored events include "Bike Around The Bay" and the Annual Youth Summit, both in May 2008.
McKeever Environmental Learning Center
The Foundation has provided financial support to sponsor student trips to this environmental education center.